Luke Skywalker, from Farmboy to Legend

May the force be with you on this May the 4th.

Luke Skywalker must be one of the most influential characters to have been projected on the silver screen.  From a farmboy to a legend, his character has changed through the span of 4 episodes.  

Believe it or not, I haven’t had the privilege to enjoy the original episodes of the Star Wars series until January of this year.  *queue some gasps*  But when I finally sat down and A New Hope started playing, I was immediately captivated and blown away.  I couldn’t help but feel that I had missed out on so much by not having experienced the original episodes of Star Wars earlier in my life.  I was so taken, I actually ended up getting a Luke Skywalker figure from Bandai.  I was very happy to have watched Mark Hamill being Luke Skywalker and knowing that I grew up listening to him as the Joker. 

Until next time, keep busy staying dizzy!