Happy Birthday, Derrick Dereleek (DereleekMedia and RHPC). Derrick is deemed the wildcard of the RHPC crew. I always enjoy his spin on the BTS videos and his editing makes them fun. To me, he's the usual champion of the I Dare You (or sometimes it's Sean Fujiyoshi). I usually catch myself saying "Oh, Derrick" when he takes up the challenges in the I Dare You videos.
Even though Derrick always seems like a happy-go-lucky guy in the videos, it was a challenge for me to find just the right expression to work with. And I'm happy with what I worked with. It's also different that I did his portrait with him without a hat, when I so used to seeing him with a hat. I really enjoyed working on this portrait and totally did not expect what colors I was going to end up with. Hope you guys enjoyed watching it too!
Until next time, keep busy staying dizzy!