May the force be with you on this May the 4th.
Luke Skywalker must be one of the most influential characters to have been projected on the silver screen. From a farmboy to a legend, his character has changed through the span of 4 episodes.
Believe it or not, I haven’t had the privilege to enjoy the original episodes of the Star Wars series until January of this year. *queue some gasps* But when I finally sat down and A New Hope started playing, I was immediately captivated and blown away. I couldn’t help but feel that I had missed out on so much by not having experienced the original episodes of Star Wars earlier in my life. I was so taken, I actually ended up getting a Luke Skywalker figure from Bandai. I was very happy to have watched Mark Hamill being Luke Skywalker and knowing that I grew up listening to him as the Joker.
Until next time, keep busy staying dizzy!